Dhammika Academy is one of the main projects of Dhammika Life Foundation aims at providing free Buddhism classes to both Khmer people and foreigners to get deeper understanding about what the Buddha taught and then be able to apply in daily life. We currently conduct classes through online platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. Following is the introduction to the current classes being hosted by Dhammika Academy:
This class happens every weekend – Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 PM PST.
Herein, the class is instructed by venerable Bhikkhu Muniputto Sok Theavy, the founder of Dhammika Academy and Dhammika Life Foundation. He teaches by discussing in both Khmer language and English language while translating various English Dhamma texts. The session is also shared through Facebook live on the Dhammika Academy public group and Dhammika Life Foundation Facebook page.
Since Microsoft Teams is the platform used to conduct the class, if you wish to register to this class at any time you’re always welcome to.
To register please email dhammikaacademy@gmail.com or chat on the Dhammika Life facebook page, or look at “How to register” below, and reach out through any contact, our Admins will be helping you out with registration.
This class happens Every Sundays at 8:00 PM PST; in Cambodia is Monday at 10:00 AM.
Our focus is to help Khmer Buddhists learning how to read and chant Khmer Pāli as it is traditionally chanted at the temple/monastery or in any Buddhist ceremony.
Students will also be able to understand the meaning and relationship between the chanting and the ritual practices within Khmer Buddhism. As there are many forms and styles of Khmer Buddhist chanting, the instructor – venerable Theavy Sok, provides every angle of Khmer traditional chanting such as Smot (rhythmic chanting) which has been used in various ways to fit in the different ceremonies.
Zoom is the platform we use to provide the class, if you wish to register to this class at anytime you’re always welcome to.
To register please email dhammikaacademy@gmail.com or chat on the Dhammika Life facebook page, or look at “How to register” below, and reach out through any contact, our Admins will be helping you out with registration.
Taught by venerable Bhikkhu Aggacitto Yon Yi.
Every Monday and Tuesday mornings from 6:00 – 7:30 AM PST; in Cambodia is 8:00 -9:30 PM.
The session is also shared through Facebook live on Dhammika Life Foundation Facebook page. Since Microsoft Teams is the platform used to conduct the class, if you wish to register to this class at anytime you’re always welcome to.
To register please email dhammikaacademy@gmail.com or chat on the Dhammika Life facebook page, or look at “How to register” below, and reach out through any contact, our Admins will be helping you out with registration.
Organizer: Dhammika Academy
Instructor: Uddesācārya Po Piseth (Louisiana, USA)
Course Duration: Three months, June 30 – September 30
Schedule: Every Wednesdays & Thursdays;
Time: 8:00 – 9:30 PM (Cambodia); 6:00 – 7:30 AM (Pacific Standard Time)
Platform: Zoom
Enrollment Date & Deadline: open from June 1 – June 29
To register please email dhammikaacademy@gmail.com or chat on the Dhammika Life facebook page, or look at “How to register” below, and reach out through any contact, our Admins will be helping you out with registration.
If you wish to join any class, please reach out to any of the contacts below specifying which class you want to be in, our Admins will help you get there.